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Sharon - NC - 2017.jpg
Al, Tonali, Nico, and Rebekah, NM.JPG
Cameron and Jon, CO..JPG

Country Queers uplifts often unheard stories of rural queer experiences across intersecting layers of identity including race, class, gender, age, religion, and occupation.


This project aims to complicate our collective ideas about rural spaces and LGBTQIA2S+ communities.

Support BIPOC queer & trans led land & wellness projects.

Because we know the impact of colonization on people, land and resources we’re encouraging our white listeners (who have extra funds) to engage in an ongoing process of reparations. If you're able please donate to projects founded and led by: queer & trans, Black and Indigenous folks, and people of color.

Help sustain this rural-queer-led central-Appalachian-based project on Patreon!